THOSE KIDS – My Passion

THOSE KIDS – My Passion

I didn’t start out with a plan to teach THOSE KIDS, but I am sure every experience I had led me to where I am today. I started out in elementary and quickly moved to middle school Language Arts. From there moved into special education with an emphasis working with kids with behavior and emotional needs. If there was a “bad boy” in the school, then I can assure you they were working with me.

Two years ago I decided to make the move from teaching in Academic and Emotionally Disturbed resource rooms in a traditional school to working in one of the alternative education programs in our district. I took a job working as a general education teacher and special education teacher in a therapeutic alternative education school.  Our school is part of a PRTF.  I knew I would be working with some of the most challenging students I would face, but I was confident I could do it.

I believed that I had the experiences and the knowledge to create a successful classroom and I believed I had the determination, patience, sense of humor, and empathy to truly connect with my students. What I didn’t know was that this little school would become a place where I found my people. From the students to my coworkers to the hospital staff – I found a group of people that inspired me and challenged me and made me believe that maybe, just maybe, I had a voice that could bring about change and understanding for THOSE KIDS. For MY KIDS.

I started out sharing my voice and my experience – what I knew about the students I worked with.  One day a student asked to read what I had wrote.  I was hesitant at first as I didn’t know how she would react.  When she was finished I asked her how she felt.  She said Proud.  I am one of THOSE KIDS.  A few hours later she handed me a paper.  She said this is my story.  I want people to know what it is like to be me.  I want people to know.  And so I started this journey – to move beyond my voice and share the voice of THOSE KIDS.